Chapter 12 : CSS Backgrounds

Inherited: No


You can style the background of an element in one declaration with the background property.

background: #ffffff url(path_to_image) top left no-repeat fixed;


  • attachment
  • color
  • image
  • position
  • repeat

Or you can set each property individually

Background Attachment

If you are using an image as a background. You can set whether the background scrolls with the page or is fixed when the user scrolls down the page with the background-attachment property

background-attachment: value;


  • fixed
  • scroll

Background Color

You can specifically declare a color for the background of an element using the background-color property.

background-color: value;


  • color name
  • hexadecimal number
  • RGB color code
  • transparent

Background Image

You can set an image for the background of an element using the background-image property.

background-image: url(path_to_image);


  • url
  • none

Background Position

You can position an image used for the background of an element using the background-position property.

background-position: value;


  • top left
  • top center
  • top right
  • center left
  • center center
  • center right
  • bottom left
  • bottom center
  • bottom right
  • x-% y-%
  • x-pos y-pos

Background Repeat

You can set if an image set as a background of an element is to repeat (across=x   and/or   down=y) the screen using the background-repeat property.

background-repeat: value;


  • no-repeat
  • repeat
  • repeat-x
  • repeat-y